Matrikon is a vendor neutral supplier of OPC UA and OPC based data interoperability products for control automation. The Matrikon brand promise is to empower vendor and end-user customers with reliable, scalable, and innovative data connectivity and interoperability products, training, and support to best compete in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industrie4.0 (I4.0) era. Matrikon outfits automation vendors with a superior OPC UA development toolkit perfect for use in all their product lines ranging from embedded devices to cloud applications.
For its end-user customers, Matrikon provides key data tools needed to best facilitate enterprise wide data sharing. More than a software company, Matrikon actively participates in standards organizations and builds close relationships with its customers and partners globally to help them best address their business and technical challenges in an ever more complex, competitive, and connected world.